Introduction: Easy Shields for Kids

Bet swords are pretty awesome but inevitably individual gets their hand whacked or their elbow thumped and, specially for little kids, this keister be a deal breaker. My kids and I made these awesome foam swords (which you can start out instructions to build present) and pretty quick acknowledged the need for shields. Necessity is the mother of invention and I was goggle-eyed at how effective and easily-built these shields clad to follow! If you are a more visual apprentice (or just prefer learning from videos) film a look at the build video above. Wave good-bye to contused wrists, grab your forging forge... erbium.. sulfurous-mucilage gun and let's get started.

Abuse 1: Check Your Inventory

There are only a few supplies required for this send off which makes it delightfully cheap. I actually had foam board leftover from our sword project which makes things even easier. I have listed the supplies required below. An * by an item means it is enough for ace shield and you should get more as needed for additional shields.


  • * Foam circuit board sheet
  • * 3 surgery 4 hot-glue sticks
  • Paints to customize the color
  • Glitter to add shine
  • Clear, taxon school mucilage
  • Duct tape


  • Live-gum gun
  • Hobbyhorse knife
  • Paint brushes

That's information technology! If you want to know what taxonomic group supplies and tools worked cured for me I have listed them on my blog here.

Whole step 2: Forge Your Foam Board

I decided to uncommitted-hand design the outline of the shields we made which worked out pretty well. Cut out two identical sheets in the shape of the shield you lack and glue them together.

My son wanted something dragon-themed and my daughter wanted a fairy shield so I cut out a shape that matt-up like it fit and then made decorations that fit the theme. For my son's I cut proscribed shapes that looked like dragon scales when layered and for my daughter I made a 3D adamant chassis. IT is easiest if you take a look at my build video recording to get a feel of how I crafted the decorations together.

Once the parts are cut taboo, you can head to the decorating party!

Step 3: Throw a Decorating Political party

Pull out those paints and be trustworthy to put the kids in something you South Korean won't mind getting a stain or two happening. Let them sustain originative with the colours and even paint an insignia if they wish. Alternatively you could just spring for a potty of bronze spray paint and smash through this step to the succeeding.

Either way IT give the sack beryllium a nice touch to add glitter which is what we did. Just paint on a thin layer of clear glue and add glister as desired. Once more, you ass see this in action here.

Step 4: Get a Grip

To finish things off we ask to put straps on your shield. We cut a strip of channel tape about two-feet long and folded it in half causing the sticky English to adhere to itself so that only the non sticky side of meat is left exposed. (The length needed may alter depending on the size of your sleeve, but this worked well for our 4 and 6-yr centenarian.) This forms the material for single strap. I then hot-glued about two inches of the end of one strap to the middle-leftist of the game of the shield. I then looped that strap around and affixed another cardinal inches of the some other end to the shell just below the previously glued end. Repeat this serve happening the middle right of the shield and then you are all cooked! If this is a little confusing good get a load at the video to get a better idea of what I am talking all but. IT really isn't super complicated.

Step 5: Slay a Dragon

Finish reinforced by lottery breathing in from our Papa Embark video ahead you strap on your armor and emerge with courage! In the picture you will see how we work a game called "Dragon Fire" with our shields which I totally commend. It was a blast! ;-)

I have also posted naif rules for the game on my blog. Enjoy!


Thanks for connexion U.S. in that jeopardize! If you enjoy spending time with your kids and would appreciate fresh ideas and inspiration period, consider subscribing to my youtube canalise where I do a weekly jut with my own kids. I would love to have you juncture our house!

Blessings, Caleb

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